As the 2021 rolls around, many hotel operators prioritize providing safe environment for their guests and employees alike. What role will technology play in all that and how it can be leveraged to ensure guests and staff feel safe and comfortable?
The Role Of Technology
According to the 9th Annual 2020 Customer Engagement Hospitality Technology Study,
80% of travelers think Free Wi-Fi is still one of the most important features offered by hotels.
Why do guests continue to rank free Wi-Fi as their number 1 need?
The role technology plays in the hospitality experience is undeniable and with the COVID-19 pandemic, guest expectations has shifted even more. Touchless technology has seen a greater interest. In the post-COVID world, it became clear that hospitality operators should provide contactless guest experience.
Travelers prefer to make reservations and check-in using their personal mobile device. The ability to make contactless payments, have a touchless elevator ride and a touchless access to guestroom and services are all on the list of preferences.
Hotel Operators now focus on providing all these additional contactless features and apps, and for that they must rely on their in-room technology, architecture, and their networks.
A hotel must have a robust network and infrastructure to consistently provide their guests with all the desired contactless services and a satisfactory experience.
WI-FI And Life Safety
But is it a good idea for a life safety duress system be on the same network? Imagine for a moment having to rely on a hotel Wi-Fi during its peak usage hours in an emergency.
When it comes to protecting hospitality employees, which often are victims of violent incidents, hotel operators must identify which safety devices can best protect their staff.
Because Wi-Fi networks can be unpredictable, many operators have expressed their frustrations with the systems they have used in the past that were fully dependent on the Wi-Fi. Sites with poor Wi-Fi coverage have a larger area of uncertainty for identifying the individual under duress and their exact location.
But what about mobile panic button apps? Most employees now have internet connection on their smart phone. Obviously, the worker must be willing to use their personal phone, which is not possible for some people. The phone must be always accessible and charged to use a panic button app. This is not an ideal scenario because of the time it takes to unlock a phone, find a panic button app, and press a button in an emergency.
Independent Network Is King
While its ok to use hotel WI-FI for many hotel services and contactless features, placing a life safety solution on the same WI-FI network is not practical simply because there are too many moving parts and points of failure when relying on a 3rd party providers support. The stand-alone solution with its independent network is the best option when it comes to life safety and protecting your employees.
For instance, SECURalert` s panic button system does not rely on the Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or the cloud. Unlike many duress solutions available today, it is a standalone solution with its own independent and self-healing network. It does not require any hardwiring or costly installation. SECURalert duress system locates with pin-point accuracy thanks to its unique Hybrid technology that combines radio frequency and ultrasonic signals. This powerful combination ensures staff safety regardless any external circumstances.
In conclusion it is important to note that technology will continue to improve hotel safety and while the contactless hotel experience is important, keeping hospitality employees safe should be a priority for hoteliers. Having proper processes and reliable safety technology in place can guarantee that hotel staff is able to provide the best experience for guests.